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Generate 9,000Lbs of crimping force. Full-Tension and Non-Tension. |
Installs full range of connectors (taps, splices) from #14 AWG through 4/0. |
Features two permanent die grooves, "O" and "D3" for tap connectors. |
Connector Range: copper, aluminum, ACSR, Copper-weld, aluminum-weld, steel, 6201, and 5005. |
Copper Taps: #10 solid - 2/0 stranded. |
Aluminum, ACSR Taps: #14 solid - 4/0 ACSR |
Stirrups: #6 ACSR - 4/0 ACSR |
Overhead full tension deadend, full tension splices, non tension splices, and terminals conductor range: #10 stranded - 4/0 ACSR |